viernes, 2 de julio de 2010

Arinaga Windsurfing Championship 2010

For all those who have been eager to participate again at another event presented Arinaga Windsurfing Championship 2010 for the 14 and 15 August at Risco Verde. LPWS like every year the Club participates Kanadas as one of the official sponsors of the event where we can enjoy a competition disciplines Wave, Slalom-Race, Cruise and Expression Session.

Here we leave the details of the program:
Friday August 13 at 18:30: Presentation of the championship at Cal Restaurant Ovens
Saturday August 14: 10:00 - 11:00 Registration and early venue of the competition.
Sunday August 15: 11:00 Start of 2nd day championship. At 17:00 awards ceremony at the end of the GREAT PAELLA.
The registration fee is 15 € and you can make from now on LPWS.
From LPWS encourage everyone to come and have a good weekend, where the important thing is to participate and have fun surrounded by friends and a lot of windsurfing.

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